Donnerstag, 5. Juni 2008

eMule v0.48a ROCKFORCE Mod v1.4

eMule v0.48a ROCKFORCE Mod v1.4

eMule ROCKFORCE Mod Main Features:
- Slot Control: chose how many upload slots you want to open and Slotfocus
- Release-Features like Powershare, Share Only the Need, Active Spreading and Download Permission
- Applejuice Community Modes: select normal, reduced (50% Upload) or disabled Community Mode
- manual add to Upload, remove from Upload and Friend handling in every List on Transfer Window
- Applejuice Community with many Community Clients advanced Community Features
- Applejuice Creditsystem: you can "buy" download Slots from other Community Clients with Applejuice you get for your Upload
- Community Topfile List: Search and Find the Files with most Community Clients

Changelog eMule v0.48a ROCKFORCE Mod v1.4:
March, 3. 2007

- fixed bug with Super Source Finder remaining time counter in some cases
- fixed possible crashes

- minor style fix on community list
- Turkish translation [tr-dizi]

Download Link(s):


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